About Us
Growing up, I loved listening to music, but what I loved more was the different merchandise my favorite musicians would come out with. Coming from a lower income family, I couldn't afford my favorite musicians musicians merchandise because it was too expensive. When I was 13 years old, I discovered my love for rock bands such as Beartooth and Crown The Empire. I discovered my love for Kpop groups such as BTS and ATEEZ as a freshman in college (2018). As I grew older, I started noticing that the same merchandise is not available in many sizes for any gender, the designs are plain logos, and only 30% of their merch is sold at their concert venues and not available online. Concert tickets can range from $50-300 and above, so not many people can afford to attend. So how does Vicious Creatures solve these problems?
We create subtle and affordable merch designs inspired from Kpop and Rock groups or their music in a variety of sizes starting from S-5XL. I wanted to combine my two favorite genres together because they are so different from each other but I love them so dearly. This mashup of kpop and rock is currently no where to be found in the market, so it's a first of its kind. This shop means the world to me because it combines my three favorite things, Art, merch, and music. These are all my own original designs that I pour my heart and soul into. I created this brand to help fans find affordable and subtle merch they can wear to concerts or to just wear something comfortable.
Owner & Founder - Luz
(Image is me & Andy Leo from Crown The Empire. Andy is not affiliated with Vicious Creatures but as a fan this is my proudest moment!)